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Module 4: Lesson 1-The CORC Stages: Topic 3-Stage 3

We'll now continue our discussion by describing Stage 3. Other Stages can be accessed via the CBT Navigation (listed to the left).

After CCORP has closed Stage 2 in CORC and the program is ready to allow hospitals to submit their data to 'Make it Final', CCORP will open Stage 3 in CORC. When Stage 3 is OPEN, from the CORC Submission site on the My Data TAB, the Data Transmittal Home page will show the user that CORC is 'Ready for Finalization'. This is shown by the RED Arrow labeled 'A' in the image below:

Show Stage 3 OPEN

In Stage 3 there are TWO options for Data Mode, 'Test' and 'Make it Final', along with two options for Data Source, 'Electronic Data File' and 'Online Entered Records and/or Corrections'. The submission screen can still look different depending on the user's selection. The four possible combinations of screens are shown below.

First, this screen is broken into multiple parts because it is critical to understand that, with this submission, the hospital is making their data FINAL and no other manipulation of the data can be performed by the hospital. Below is how the screen looks when a hospital is ready to submit data in Stage 3 and, as noted by the A, the user must select if this is a 'Test' or 'Make it Final' data submission.

Stage 3 Make it Final part 1

If the user selects 'Make it Final', the 2nd screen (as shown below) will appear. Here, the 'B' notes the Data Mode selection, while 'C' notes the warning associated with making the data final. If the hospital is ready to submit their data as Final, then the user will press the 'FINALIZE' button as shown by the GREEN Arrow labeled 'D'.

Stage 3 Make it Final part 2

Once the Finalize button is pressed, the user is prompted for the Data Source. Using an Electronic Data File would look like the image below where: A) Shows 'Electronic Data File' selected, B) Where the number of records in the data file is entered, the 'Click Here' shows where the user can browse for file being uploaded, the circled 'Checkmark' reminds us that this must be checked in order for the file to be submitted, and lastly the hand clicking the Upload button demonstrates what needs to be 'clicked' in order to submit the data file as 'Test'.

Show Stage 3 FINAL via EDF

In contrast, submitting as Make it Final using an 'Online File' would look like this:

Show Stage 3 FINAL via Online file

A Test submission using an Electronic Data File would look like the image below where: A) Denotes 'Test' was selected, B) Shows 'Electronic Data File' selected, and C) Where the number of records in the data file is entered. The 'Click Here' shows where the user can browse for file being uploaded, and the circled 'Checkmark' reminds us that this must be checked in order for the file to be submitted. Lastly, the hand clicking the Upload button demonstrates what needs to be 'clicked' in order to submit the data file as 'Test'.

Show Stage 3 TEST via EDF

In contrast, submitting a Test using an 'Online File' would look like this:

Show Stage 3 Test via Online file

The Stage 3 data statuses, description and if the data can be updated are shown in the table below:

Show Stage 3 Statuses

After CCORP closes Stage 3 in CORC, hospitals can no longer update their data in CORC. Hospitals can, however, print their Surgeon Certificates. These certificates can be accessed by clicking the drop-down list for Report Name, selecting Surgeon Certification, and then clicking the View Report button as shown in the screen below:

Access Surgeon Certificates

CORC will return certifications for ALL of the surgeons included in the data submitted to CCORP. A portion of a Surgeon Certification is shown in the image below, with confidential data intentionally blurred:

View Surgeon Certificates

A sample of a complete Surgeon Certification is shown in the image below (again, with confidential data intentionally blurred):

View Surgeon Certificates

The remaining CORC Stages are used exclusively by CCORP. To read what Stages 4 and 5 are used for, click >>NEXT<< below...