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Module 4: Lesson 1-The CORC Stages: Topic 2-Stage 2

We'll now continue with Stage 2, but the other Stages can be accessed via the CBT Navigation (listed to the left).

After CCORP has closed Stage 1 in CORC and the program is ready to allow hospitals to make 'adjustments' to their data during a 21-day 'clean-up' period, CCORP will open Stage 2 in CORC. When Stage 2 is opened in CORC, a Statewide Data Quality Report is automatically created. This report compares an individual hospital's DQR information to a Statewide average, data element by data element. An example of how to access the Statewide DQR from the CORC Submission site is provided in the image below:

Show Access to Statewide DQR

A sample of what the Statewide DQR looks like is shown in the sample below:

Show Statewide DQR

When Stage 2 is OPEN, from the CORC Submission site on the My Data TAB, the Data Transmittal Home page will show the user that CORC is in 'OPEN for Data Adjustment'. This is shown in the RED circle labeled 'A' in the image below:

Show Stage 2 OPEN

In Stage 2, there is only ONE option for Data Mode, and that is 'Adjustment'. However, the submission screen can still look different depending on the selected Data Source.

The image below shows submitting an Adjustment with a Data Mode of 'Electronic Data File':

Show Stage 2 Adjustment via EDF

In contrast, submitting an Adjustment using an 'Online File' would look like this:

Show Stage 2 Adjustment via Online file

The Stage 2 data statuses, description and if the data can be updated are shown in the table below:

Show Stage 2 Statuses

To continue and see what Stage 3 looks like, click >>NEXT<< below...