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Module 4: Lesson 1-The CORC Stages: Topic 1-Stage 1

This Lesson outlines each of the Three stages in CORC that the hospital data submitters interact with. We will begin with Stage 1, but the other Stages can be accessed via the CBT Navigation (listed to the left).

When a new Report Period is opened in CORC for the first time, it is known as Stage 1. From the CORC Submission site, on the My Data TAB, the Data Transmittal Home page will show the user that CORC is in 'Stage 1 OPEN for Data Acceptance'. This is shown in the RED circle labeled 'A' in the image below:

Show Stage 1 OPEN

When data is being submitted to CORC, the options in Stage 1 are 'Test' and 'Official'. Test is used for a hospital to test if their data passes all the validation programs. CCORP recommends that a hospital use the 'Test' option until their data passes ALL the validation programs (i.e., No Errors) and then submits their data one last time as 'Official'. However, if a hospital is confident that their data is correct, there is no restriction requiring the hospital to submit data as 'Test' first. The hospital may submit their data to CCORP as 'Official' on their first submission for a Report Period.

Because of this, in Stage 1, the submission screen can look different. For example, if submitting as 'Test' from an Electronic Data File, the screen would look like the image below where: A) Shows the Data Mode as 'Test', B) Shows the Data Source as as 'Electronic Data File', and C) Shows where the number of records in the data file is entered, the Click Here shows where the user can select the file that is being submitted, while the Red Circle reminds us that the I Agree checkbox needs to be checked before data can be submitted. Lastly, the arrow shows how the file is submitted.

Show Stage 1 Test EDF submission

If, however, data is being submitting as 'Official' with the Online Entered Records and/or Corrections option, the screen would look like the image below, Where: A) Shows the Data Mode as 'Official', B) Shows the Data Source as 'Online Entered Records and/or Corrections', the Red Circle Shows the number of records in the online file, the Checkmark shows where the user must confirm the number of records in the file being submitted, and the Click Here shows how the file is submitted.

Show Stage 1 Official Online submission

The Stage 1 data statuses, description and if the data can be updated are shown in the table below:

Show Stage 1 Statuses

After a hospital successfully submits their data as 'Official' to CORC and their data has PASSED ALL of the CORC Validation Programs, the hospital will be able view their Data Quality Report (DQR). The image below demonstrates how to retrieve a DQR.

Show Access to DQR

A sample of what the DQR looks like is shown below:

Show a DQR

After all hospitals have submitted their data in Stage 1 as 'Official' to CORC, and they have ALL PASSED the Validation Programs, CCORP will CLOSE Stage 1 in CORC. At this point, CCORP may take some time to review the results of Stage 1 prior to opening Stage 2.

To see what Stage 2 looks like, click >>NEXT<< below...