Module 2: Lesson 1: Topic 3: Users and Their Roles
How you will use CORC will depend on what type of user you are: 1) Hospital User, or 2) User Account
Administrator (UAA). We'll explain each of these roles, starting with Hospital Users.
User Account Administrators
A UAA is a hospital staff member with primary responsibility for: 1) Creating and maintaining CORC User Accounts
at your hospital and assigning users with proper roles for intended system use, and 2) Resetting passwords for
hospital user accounts.
Only HCAI can create accounts for UAAs. Access will be granted only after receiving a completed
Hospital User Account Administrator Agreement from your hospital. A UAA cannot create accounts for
other UAAs.
When creating a new Hospital User, the UAA can specify one of two roles that are self-explanatory.
The new user will be able to:
- Submit/Add/Correct/Delete Data Records and Review Reports
- Read Only access of hospital reports
Hospital Users
A Hospital User is a hospital staff member responsible for: 1) Entering/submitting CABG data to CCORP, retrieving
submission results, correcting data errors or 2) Creating, maintaining or revising contact information for primary/secondary
data contact and CEO/Administrator. Hospital Users may perform all or some of these functions,
depending on the access granted by the UAA.
Each Hospital User has a CORC user account. A hospital is allowed a maximum of ten (10) hospital
user accounts and three (3) UAA accounts.
Each hospital
must provide the names of a
Primary Contact as well as a
Facility Administrator.
Optionally, a
Secondary Contact should be designated as a backup for the Primary Contact and a
Corporate IT Contact may be defined.
Generally, the Primary Contact is responsible for:
- Determining who needs access to CORC
- Receiving correspondence sent through CORC
- Responding to laws, regulations, and notices
- Meeting deadlines and requesting extensions
- Submitting completed Hospital User Agreements as well as UAA Agreements
- Providing feedback to HCAI about the CORC application