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Module 5: CORC Security: Review


This training provided a look into the security features designed into the CORC System. These features include:
  1. The CORC Login screen contains information about security at time of logon
  2. CORC is protected by the use of unique Usernames and strong Passwords
  3. CORC makes extensive use of SSL (Secured Socket Layer) webpages
  4. Each of us play a part in keeping CORC safe and secure
  5. The CORC System makes extensive use of Role-Based security
  6. The CORC System is made up of a Submission site and a Master Control site
  7. Both HCAI and hospitals can do some monitoring of user access and activities in the CORC System
  8. A limited number of HCAI staff and management have access to the CORC System
  9. HCAI employs layers of hardware and software to protect the CORC System and databases
  10. The CORC System includes both a Submission site and a Master Control site that employ several security features
  11. HCAI staff and management take the task of protecting confidential hospital data VERY seriously
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