Module 3: Lesson 6: Access Custom Reports
A. As mentioned previously in this CBT, the
Data Quality Report (Stage 1), the
Statewide DQR (Stage 2) and the
Surgeon Certifications (Stage 3) are available on this screen. In the future, additional
'Custom Reports' will be added to this screen. This screen can also be used by CCORP to place any customized report
they generate for your hospital that can only be accessed through your secure sign-on in CORC.
B. For DQR Reports, the CORC User can select to view the DQR for their hospital for ALL surgeons ('View All') or they can select a single surgeon and view a report for only that surgeon.
C. To view the selected report, press 'View Report'.

In reference to the image below:
A. The Data Quality Report provides a visual summary and statistical breakdown of each of the
valid values captured within each data element of the CABG Data submitted by your hospital.
B. The Report Period for the report is shown at the top of every page.
C. The CORC User can click on one of the surgeon's names near the top of the complete report and a report of only
that surgeon's information will be provided.
D. Both the count and the percentage are provided for each summary area (surgeon or data element).
E. The report can be printed or exported as a file.

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