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Module 1: Getting Started: Structure

This training is divided into six modules. Some modules should be completed by everyone, while others are specific to certain users. Examine the table below to determine which modules you should take:

Structure Table

All modules contain lessons (with the exception of this Getting Started module). Each lesson contains tasks that may include example screens from the CORC application. The information shown in the example screens is provided for training purposes only. When you actually start using CORC, you'll see information specific to your Hospital which will differ from the information shown in the example screens.

At the start of each module and lesson, we provide an estimated time for how long it should take to complete that module or lesson. The actual time it will take may vary depending on your familiarity with using a computer and the Internet and how quickly or slowly you choose to proceed through the training.

Most lessons contain a review and short quiz designed to reinforce and test what you've learned in that lesson. Your answers won't be scored and you can skip the quizzes entirely if you prefer, but it is recommended to help reaffirm your understanding of the material covered in that lesson.