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Module 6: Lesson 1: Hospital Users

From the 'My Settings' TAB, the UAA will select the 'Hospital Users' function in the navigation area on the left. This will cause a page similar to the one shown below to appear:

Hospital Users 1

A. Active users are shown in this area (actual names are blurred on this screen). Information shown includes:
  1. Username
  2. Account Active Indicator
  3. Account Locked Indicator
  4. User Account Administrator (UAA) Indicator

B. Inactive users are shown in this area on the screen. The same information as outlined above will be shown here.

C. To view and/or update a CORC Hospital User account information, select the 'View' button by the desired username.

D. To add a new user, press the 'Add New User' button as shown here.

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